SO LETS BEGIN - Make your Reservation now - Email

Wow have we been busy. This summer, we will be dusting off the LP's. A new turntable and old school tube amplifier are in place. Stephen is working on some custom speakers, and they sound great. This past fall, many have stopped by, thank you for your interest and for signing up as members - Please know we are open this winter by appointment - and you are welcome, even it is to come by and "check us out"
It seems, we will always be buffing and attending to detail - making things more comfortable, stylish and interesting for you and your guests - if you have interest in renting this space - please reach out to or call Lisa directly at 833 512-0991 #1 to get your questions answered and to understand our offering.
A Heart Felt Plug and Sincere Thank-you to our LOCAL Vendors, for directly supporting our efforts and to be present at our Open House Event - which we plan on doing again this coming summer!
TWIN PINES ORCHARDS & CIDER HOUSE in Thedford thank you for their excellent Apple Cider that we served hot...Yummy....they are a fruit orchard and estate winery, award winning Hammer Bent Line of hard cider - hopefully in the future, with an event permit, we will be able to serve to you!
WILLIAMSON FARMS COUNTRY STORE provided a fabulous array of fudges, and the best butter tarts EVER, along with cheeses and display trays and table clothes - making all so pretty - Please stop into their two locations, one right here on King St, Forest. Come and see their Great selection of food, gifts and toys - Just to name a few!
Special thanks to JULIE WARD from Fabien Jagoo & Associates, Co-operators for Business, Home, Life and Auto Insurance - Julie is an inspiration, as she is creative in all aspects - she can help address your "Women/Men in Business Insurance Needs and Requirements", as she assisted us in structuring our purchase of this Forest Carnegie Library....she has vision, that's for sure!
Then of course, there are the contractors who have and continue to support our renovations. We know that we could not be where we are today, without each of YOU. All have been responsible/supportive/affordable/creative, giving us your ideas and muscle to dig in and get things done.
So from larger corporations to the single contractor, we are humble in acknowledging your kindness and efforts.
BEEHIVE Windows for designing and recreating the Historic look and feel and installing eco efficient friendly windows
RADE Construction, in addressing the property's need for new weeping tiles
EHS for stylish egress window wells
LONDON LIQUIDATION CENTER for the best priced appliances
JAYDEN MECHANICAL both their plumbing and electrical team are fabulous
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY always seemed to have the right Period Piece of furniture, along with FB Marketplace, thank-you for posting that right item.
DOLLAR HAVEN & DISCOUNT here on Kings St. Forest, we thank you for making each penny count twice and having such a wide and quality selection
And SPECIAL THANKS TO BOTH PROUT BUILDING CENTRE AND CANADIAN TIRE - the staff were wonderful - in helping us with so many suggestions and products, fabulous to have this local expertise, right here in Forest
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL GRAND BEND with their Honorary and Personal Social support and by Deeming me with a Title as "Special"
Of course thanks to Jack, Brian, Kenny, Ryan, Jim, Adam, Cliff, Lakota, Dick and John along with a SPECIAL thanks to our friends Bob and Rhea - for traveling to assist and support us, you both are Amazing, as is our brother-in-law Nate Masters - who always had the right tool to complete the task (be it Dads, Tom) and then he Nate, moved things from storage to storage, to the dump and then repeat, repeat as he helped move the mountain again, again - then differently, but again.
BIZ ENERGIZERS owned by Lisa Reaume, located here in Forest is a "Life Coach" as a fellow ROTARIAN - Lisa practices "Service before Self" - She is passionate and inspires others to ignite the champion within. Lisa will be our Event Manager, here at Forest Carnegie Library Event Centre, ready to aid you in the design and the successful delivery of your event. Every day I thank the fact that she is here with us "She Believes and so She Goes Forward, To Do" Her direct phone is 519 503-2928
Kate and I can't express enough how much we appreciate your words of encouragement and the fellowship the town of Forest has given us. We have over 145 view and look on the Forest Rocks page - everyone has words of Congratulations and thanks - Very inspiring - We Thank you!
We look forward to hearing from you :-)
Stephen and Kate Ward
Forest Carnegie Library Event Centre, FCLEC